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Academic & Personal Counseling


Academic & Personal Counseling Department

辅导员全年与家长和学生进行大型集体演讲. 新生家长之夜在新学年的前几周举行,为即将到来的四年提供概述,并分享对马伦文化的有益见解. 二年级学生家长之夜在一月的第一周举行,讨论正在做的重要工作,因为二年级学生更好地了解自己,并开始讨论学生毕业后想去哪里. This meeting includes the College Counseling Team. 大三和大四的家庭之夜由学院咨询小组主持, in preparation for life after graduation.

Road Map to Graduation

List of 4 items.

  • Freshman Year

    大一的重点是为学生和年轻人的成长奠定基础. 适应高中的期望,以及你做出决定的责任,并提高你的自我辩护技能. Understanding how your choices and actions affect the future, 指导将侧重于做出健康的决定,同时获得支持,引导你走向大学和以后的道路.
  • Sophomore Year

    大二的时候,你会看到一个不同的学习曲线:你已经很熟悉马伦了, most of our teachers, and how things generally work around school. 现在,你的关注点从学业(尽管仍然很重要)稍微转移到了你自己身上. 更多地了解自己是谁,长大后想做什么. 用这一年的时间为你在不久的将来的学业和个人选择做准备.
  • Junior Year

    高中三年级的重点是把你所学到的关于你自己作为一个学生和个人的知识转化为你未来的行动计划. 虽然今年在学术上是最困难的一年, the hope is to find a balance. 虽然这可能对每个人来说都是这样,也可能不是这样,但对所有学生来说,这是重要而忙碌的一年. However, if you stay proactive and have a positive attitude, junior year does not have to be overly stressful.
  • Senior Year

    大四可能会充满挑战,令人兴奋,充满乐趣. 这是你们回顾自己的成就,展望未来的时刻. 然而,这也是一个关注当下的时间,这将包括许多决定和最后期限. 大发彩票平台知道,过渡过程可能是令人生畏和有压力的. 大发彩票平台希望这张在大四要做的事情的清单能对你在这一年的学习中有所帮助.

Meet Our Counselors

List of 4 items.

  • Michael Augustine

    Chair of the Department
    Counselor for Students Last Names P-Z

    303.761.1764 Ext. 3309
  • Dan Hahn

    Counselor for Students Last Names H-M
    303.761.1764 Ext. 3321
  • Janelle Petersen

    Counselor for Students Last Names A-G
    303.761.1764 Ext. 3308
  • Abrigail Rudolph-Owens

    Counselor for Students Last Names N-O,
    De La Salle Students

    303.761.1764 Ext. 3347

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List of 8 frequently asked questions.

Top 10 Tips for Success at Mullen

  1. Attend class, missing school can set a student behind
  2. Complete homework on a nightly basis, not falling behind
  3. 在课堂上问一些澄清性的问题,或者在晚上学习的时候给老师发邮件
  4. 使用计划表来记住家庭作业和即将到来的项目和考试
  5. Talk with your teacher before or after school or at lunch
  6. Become involved in something after school on campus
  7. Connect with the National Honors Society tutors
  8. 每天复习你的课程(即使每节课只有10分钟)
  9. Become tech/ app savvy
  10. Take time for self-care (food, sleep, exercise, etc.)